New poem of mines

Why grampa ran away
Grampa ran away
Left everything behind
He left daddy,my uncle and grandma behind
There was no traces of him
Because he wanted freedom
No one knows where he is
Or is he dead?
As a little girl I didn´t know I had a grampa
He was so far away
So I asked
Daddy do I have a grampa?
My father ansewered he ran away
Will he be back?
Is he how I imagine?
Nobody knows
So I grew up
And grampa returned
He made me feel silent and scared
He was my english grampa
Because he kept his emotions to himself
Not like the other grampa and his white beetle car
So I got this phone number
Saying he was about to die
So I clinged to him
As I never clinged before
I spent the last six months beside him
He told me to stop living in a lie
And look for happinness
And he said there was no shame in sillinness
He told me to defend,to fight and stand for to what i beleave
So that last day at the hospital
He told me that the six months i spent with him
Where the happiest of his life
So I held his hand tight
And sang "The Cristal Ship",from the Doors
And the angels carried him away
Since then his spirits lives next to me