Under the plane,a poem for D.D.

Under that colourful plane
Where we smiled and held hands
By the grass
Smiling you showed me the moon
And the magical things a goddess could do
You held my hand and sang that song
Looking deep in to my eyes
Andre,it doesn´t matter
How much we part
It hurted to split two siamese twins in half
You where the knot in my knitting
That hurt most
It was so painful
It made me so scared
I was alone
For the first time
With0ut the one who completed me
I learn to live as whole
Without the one that used to be my half
Now the scar is getting smaller
The wound is dissapearing
But that´s still that little rash
To remind me of our separation
Death and dessperation
We where united by the heart
We where united by the b0ne
Other twins wouldn´t survive
But I survived!
Now we learned how to life appart
But that day
Under the colourful plane
Before the surgeon and his scafold
Splitted us in half
Without any anesthesic
Just that day,D.D.
It was the happiest of my life!