People I know for a really really really long time from 2003 behind
The first on the list are the usual suspects: 1)MY COUSINS!!!:My sisters and brothers,we´ve been toghether since we´re babies!I know I can allways count with them.I wasn´t born with any brothers or sisters but I have 12 cousins!In countriside northeast brazilian culture your cousins are like your brothers and sisters!That´s just fantastic! Now people who aren´t family,but I consider as so! 2)ADRIANO!!!:Since 1996 chering secrets giggles and happinnes!We we´re both outcasts in school.We we´re the two "wierdos" who liked Pink Floyd,Oasis and the Beatles.Altho,now,geographically apart,yet NEVER spiritually apart!We both like the same things in all senses,if I was a bloke I´d be Adriano!That wouldn´t be a problem because we like the same kind of blokes :D 3)Someone who has an FM in the Arabian Emirates:The first person I have ever chatted on the net in the beguinnings of 1996.I have a picture of him of when he was 15!I considered it a jewel.We used to make part of dalnet´s #beatl...