
Showing posts from 2007

People I know for a really really really long time from 2003 behind

The first on the list are the usual suspects: 1)MY COUSINS!!!:My sisters and brothers,we´ve been toghether since we´re babies!I know I can allways count with them.I wasn´t born with any brothers or sisters but I have 12 cousins!In countriside northeast brazilian culture your cousins are like your brothers and sisters!That´s just fantastic! Now people who aren´t family,but I consider as so! 2)ADRIANO!!!:Since 1996 chering secrets giggles and happinnes!We we´re both outcasts in school.We we´re the two "wierdos" who liked Pink Floyd,Oasis and the Beatles.Altho,now,geographically apart,yet NEVER spiritually apart!We both like the same things in all senses,if I was a bloke I´d be Adriano!That wouldn´t be a problem because we like the same kind of blokes :D 3)Someone who has an FM in the Arabian Emirates:The first person I have ever chatted on the net in the beguinnings of 1996.I have a picture of him of when he was 15!I considered it a jewel.We used to make part of dalnet´s #beatl...

Memories of my own personal vampire(based on Bram Stocker)

The boy that rever umbottoned her shirt Did suspect of the kinky man who entered her house After he left The man that gave her everything she wanted The boy didn´t give it, he was too shy There where no images of the man on the mirror His long curly hair,his deep green eyes and fair skin He gave his blood to her It tasted like freedom Everytime between 9pm and 4am They gave eachother freedom Before the sun rised They where the chosen lovers They where the chosen ones At least at wendnesdays Please,vampire,do it again _ X _

I love this music,reminds me of a relationship I had at 16

Stone Temple Pilots Sour Girl She turned away, what was she looking at? She was a sour girl the day that she met me Hey, what are you looking at? She was a happy girl the day that she left me What would you do? What would you do if I follow you? What would you do? I follow Dont turn away, what are you looking at? He was so happy on the day that he met her Say, what are you looking at? I was a superman, the looks are deceiving The rollercoaster rides a lonely one I pay the ransom note to stop it from steaming Hey, what are you looking at? She was a teenage girl when she met me What would you do? What would you do if I follow you? What would you do? I follow What would you do? .... The girl got reasons They all got reasons What would you do? .... Hey, what are you looking at? She was a happy girl the day that she left me The day that she left me / the day that she left me She was a happy girl the day that she left me The day that she left me / the day that she left me She was a happy gir...

Music that makes me up and going...

Stone Temple Pilots Creep Forward yesterday Makes me wanna stay What they said was real Makes me wanna steal Livin under house Guess Im livin, Im a mouse Alls I gots is time Got no meaning, just a rhyme Take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal Take time with a wounded hand cause I like to steal Take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal, I like to steal Im half the man I used to me This I feel as the dawn It fades to gray Well, Im half the man I used to be This I feel as the dawn It fades to gray Well, Im half the man I used to me This I feel as the dawn It fades to gray Well, Im half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be Feelin uninspired Think Ill start a fire Everybody run Bobbys got a gun Think youre kinda neat Then she tells me Im a creep Friends dont mean a thing Guess Ill leave it up to me Take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal Take time with a wounded hand Guess I like to steal Take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal, I...

The return of Vin Diesel

Just a prayer and a dream and my sweetheart came back.As gourgeous and single as that beautiful night we met at that metal concert.Wyndson is back bringing happinnes to my heart again.And made me smile like the old day.We just can´t get off eachother when we see eachother it´s just pure fate dream and synergy.He wrote a poem to me.Everytime I feel down I read it and feel rejoiced again.He was the first librian from a myriad of miranda librians I would meet later.He´s my Vin Diesel, all covered in chocolate! _____ x ____

Aging Haldol Addict (sing it to Paranoid Android from Radiohead)

Please could you not write this song It is all about me And all this global warming shit Ofcourse it is all about me All that When I am king I won´t be on Haloperidol And tell your president His country is a small shitty one All that Well aging makes me look pretty ugly My belly resembles a quite a little piggy Why don´t you say it Why don´t you say my name Off with your head man Why don´t you say my name I guess you do! Say "hi" Why don´t you say "hi" to me Come on say "hi" That´s it´s sir I´m leaving The internet forever The facebook The flickr The blogsphere networking The bowl with oatmeal I wanna make children yeah! _ X_ For my...

Under the plane,a poem for D.D.

Under that colourful plane Where we smiled and held hands By the grass Smiling you showed me the moon And the magical things a goddess could do You held my hand and sang that song Looking deep in to my eyes Andre,it doesn´t matter How much we part It hurted to split two siamese twins in half You where the knot in my knitting That hurt most It was so painful It made me so scared I was alone For the first time With0ut the one who completed me I learn to live as whole Without the one that used to be my half Now the scar is getting smaller The wound is dissapearing But that´s still that little rash To remind me of our separation Death and dessperation We where united by the heart We where united by the b0ne Other twins wouldn´t survive But I survived! Now we learned how to life appart But that day Under the colourful plane Before the surgeon and his scafold Splitted us in half Without any anesthesic ...

So vain...

" You had one eye on the mirror As you watched yourself gavotte And all the girls dreamed that They´d be your partner"

Idea for a short film in my mind "Barcelona"

After a decade chatting on the internet Lisa Nelson and Griffin Rubble finnaly meet in Barcelona in Gaudi´s "La Pedrera".Altho they never mentioned sex in their conversation Lisa and Griffin instantly feel attracted to eachother.They both chare the love for music and Gaudi´s architecture.Ramblas,Flamenco and Sangria are included in this erotic psychological thriller.It plays with the idea when do people we talk on the internet become real t.When a still picture,letters on a monitor and a voice become a real person with all, breath,touch and smell.It also shows if things don´t end up like the way you plan,it can be even better. At the siesta time they test the limits of their sexuality on Gaudi´s Sagrada Familia.They dicover that sexual experiences are exactlty like that cathedral,a never ending work,that can take more than a lifetime.Something new is allways discovered,everytime it´s practiced.

"Those pair of boots"

I remember the young woman,and her complete cowboy suit.She had it all hat,belt and boots.I was 14,she was 16.She climbed the walls,so she wouldn´t have to pay to see "STOMP".My friend was there we talked the whole night,yet my eyes where in those cowboy boots,and the babe who wore them.And below my black dress something completly new started.It felt so good and it felt so different.Every step, it felt so right,I just knew it.Above the belt there was a "Chemical Brothers shirt",and below the belt was something I´ve never seen before.It started to grow,big and hard.She kissed my cheek,gently,it gave me the chills.So I carressed her hair back,with the tip of my nails,and she got goosebumps.It made me smile. When I got home,naked,I climbed into my bed,something was warm,wet and sticky,right in between. It was the first time EVER I felt lust. ______ x _______

The thin man and his drumsticks,new poem of mines

When i feel you near me My heart burns like wildfire When I i dyed my hair red I wanted you to see my fire You turn me on And give me heat It all seems so distante When we meet But when you´re not look I touch myself thinking about you It makes my body burn like wildfire One more night One m0re dose of whiskey And all you touch is your drum sticks And all I can touch is your shadow You know that makes me cum Your dark hair so long across your chest I close my eyes and cover my sex with my hands But those long hands of your Have just the beat to kick me in As I leave the pub in the middle of cold the rain It all evapourates when it touches my body Because it makes me hot _______ X _________

Poem based on a movie script idea I have about two teens in a softcore s&m relatioship

Title :The scent of flowers,after the thick rain   The little girl scribbeling in her little book He observes from the back of the class With an evil eye,behind thick frames  Her little feet and her little shoes  That small white fragile body  He´s so big and strong  But from that moment on he feels so small And she starts to grow in his mind  So big he wants to be inside her  The shield on top of her blouse  On her chest  He sees right bellow the buttons  Into her cleavage,he want to get between them  The test is over and he walks across the room  With the paper between his teeth  Like she asked him to  She´s not being bullied by his strong arms And he doesn´t feel taunted by her constant companionship  They are loving every second of it  __ x__

New Poem "Karma"

If your eyes are green If you´re a librian If you ever played Dungeons and Dragons If you have long hair If you like animé If your name is Andre,or something similar If you are a trekkie or a whovian Don´t go feeling all special Just because I stare at you It´s not you that I want You just remind me Of all the men I ever had __ X__

"Once upon a time" new poem of mines

Once Upon a time I remember that Blayze Bayley concert Wyndson said we would go toghether Yet we didn´t Because we we´re someowhere else Having chocolates and wine All alone I remember when Jay put her leg up So I could trip and fall What she didn´t expected Was a med school party Right across the street To rescue me During the concert D.D. slit his wrists Because he couldn´t have me for himself And the bed and condoms He had fixed for us Had to...

Sing based on true events.Carly wrote it for Warren Beatty

Carly Simon : So Vain You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht Your hat strategically dipped below one eye Your scarf it was apricot You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte And all the girls dreamed that they´d be your partner They´d be your partner, and... Youre so vain, you probably think this song is about you Youre so vain, Ill bet you think this song is about you Dont you? dont you? You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive Well you said that we made such a pretty pair And that you would never leave But you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee Clouds in my coffee, and... I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee Clouds in my coffee, and... Well I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse naturally won Then you flew your lear jet up to Nova Scotia To see the total eclipse of the sun Well you´re where you should be all the time And when you´re not you´r...

Lovely french song

Singer: Carla Bruni Song : Raphaël Quatre consonnes et trois voyelles C'est le prénom de Raphaël Je le murmure à mon oreille Et chaque lettre m'émerveille C'est le tréma qui m'ensorcelle Dans le prénom de Raphaël Comme il se mêle au a au e, Comme il les entre-mêle au l Raphaël à l'air d'un ange Mais c'est un diable de l'amour Du bout des hanches Et de son regard de velours Quand il se penche Quand il se penche mes nuits sont blanches Et pour toujours Hmm J'aime les notes au goût de miel Dans le prénom de Raphaël Je les murmure à mon réveil Entre les plumes du sommeil Et pour que la journée soit belle Je me parfume Raphaël Peau de chagrin pâtre éternel Archange étrange d'un autre ciel Pas de délice pas d'étincelle Pas de malice sans Raphaël Les jours sans lui deviennent ennui Et mes nuits s'ennuient de plus belle Pas d'inquiétude pas de prélude Pas de promesse à l'éternel Juste le monde dans notre lit Juste nos vies en arc en ciel ...

Translation from a lovely song from a brazilian rock star to a former scottish lover he met in New York

Brazilian rock star Renato Russo,wrote this song to a former schottish lover he met in a gay bar in New York.They spent alot of time toghether in a New York bedroom making love and shooting heroin.A homossesual version of Sid and Nancy.His most beatiful love songs were about him. One day Renato Russo,woke up and his lover wasn´t there anymore.He wrote this song after their break up.The result of this relationship,was AIDS.He died in October 1996,leaving a whole lot of teens orphans,including me. Other resorces say he wrote this song to his grandfather after he died.Both ways is a very lovely song,allways brings me memories and some tears :D The brazilian tittle is : "Vento no Litoral" ,be free to google it! In my translation I´ll make it "Seaside winds" I wanna rest this afternoon Go to the seaside and see if the wind still blows strong And climb up the stones I d...

Carta de um Pai do ano 2030

27 de fevereiro de 2037 Minha filha : Semana passada ví você acompanhar com dor a morte de Beth Ditto de hipertensão.Devendra Banhart tocou "Candle in the Wind" ,da mesma forma que Elton John fez no funeral da princesa Diana,quando eu tinha a sua idade.Me lembrei do sentimentos que meus pais disseram que tiveram no dia da morte de John Lennon.Ele tinha deixado a vida para virar um mito e seus ideais não foram embora com ele.Ela fez tanto por todas as mulheres.Na minha juventude rolava a ditadura da magreza.Nem um peso normal a mulher poderia ter,pois era considerada gorda,e era rejeitada.Da mesma forma que eu mesmo fui rejeitado,pela minha homossexualidade.Ela mudou tudo isso e touxe uma nova era,as mulheres começaram a se gostar e se aceitar. Vejo você,minha querida,tão jovem,com seus 14 anos,se achando muito magra e fazendo de tudo para engordar e ganhar um corpão com muitas curvas,como você diz.Vou dizer a mesma co...

Manifesto Colorista

Um verdadeiro colorista nunca se entrega.Somos apaixonados pelo designe gráfico europeu,música indie e cinema alternativo.Não temos medo de usar cores seja nas nossas formas de vestir, como nossas criações e modos de falar.Criamos mais para nos mesmos e não para os outros,seja o que for e como for.Quem gostou,gostou!Queremos aplicar este estilo para todas as artes e midias. Você se identificou com o que leu? Não se identificou? De qualquer forma escreva um comentario A true colorist never gives in.We are inlove with european graphic designe,indie music and underground cinema.We are not afraid of using colours!It´s on the way we dress,our creations and way of speaking.We create to satisfy ourselves and not the others.We want to apply this style to all the arts and medias. Did you identify yourself over here?Didn´t identify? Both ways write a comment.

Stranger in Parisdise

I`m alone and free In a country i can`t even speak the language Thinks I want to say End up in another way I get mixed up with the wine Now I`m on my own But I`m free I`m tired of just waiting for it I just want a bottle of Beaujoulais in my hand I want to drink whine And don`t care a fuck about it Here in Parisdise Je vive hereusement