
Showing posts from September, 2006

What do I have to do with the fact that Ronaldo's ex-wife was caught having sex?

This morning I was surprised that the headline of the news was that "Daniela Cicarelli was caught having sex"Why can't the poor girl get a shag? Cicarelli,Ronaldo's ex wife, is known over here,for her MTV dating show,"Beija Sapo","Snog the Frog",in portuguese.Sometimes she picks people from the audience,the ones who are desperate to get a decent snog,to scream for her help,the famous "Help me,Cicarelli".After they shout,if the scream is loud enough,they get to snog anyone from the missing constestants,who didn't snog during the show.This time,let's make Cicarelli a favor and,HELP HER FOR GODS SAKE!!!The poor girl is being harrased all around! _______ X _______

Break up poem

I want to find someone I can spend at least 3 years with When I find him I will not feel incomplete Because I would allready feel complete I want someone I can wake up the next day on a purple dawn And I will know This is happiness I want to find someone I can spend at least 3 years with He will show me Oslo,Guadalajara,Dublin,Liverpool and Portland Oregon,just because we like "The Simpsons" I want someone I won´t feel as if we where only one soul Because we would know we where two separete individuals And we will not expect anything about us Because we will let things just happen I want someone I could have a child with And I won´t tell it to be just like his father Because it would have a different story and destiny I want someone I could look deep into his gree...

Minhas ferias com os candanguinhos

Amanhã estarei indo passar o 7 de setembro em Brasilia,com os candanguinhos :D Aqui irie falar um pouco das minhas espectativas e perspectivas para a ida à capital do meu pais, a qual sera a primeira viagem que eu farei totalmente independente.Pela primeira vez eu viajarei com meus própios santos,minha própia birita e minha mão para segurar durante a decolagem. Entre uma balada e outra vou ver se arranjo tempo para atualizar o blog.Por enquanto peço para rezarem por min para que faça uma boa viagem. Estarei saindo amanhã,daquí de Recife,pela TAM, às 16:55 e chegarei em Brasilia às 19:26.Essa será a primeira de várias viagens que irei relatar. Beijos para todos : Twee Pixie